i wanna thank God for helping our team to get the west zone championship which was this afternoon. for those who missed it, too bad. although we didn't play very well today, i still wanna thank Him for giving us this opprtunity to get the championship. This is my first time getting a championship and the first time playing a final(excluding t-net and admarity). Time flew so fast. A moment ago i stood there watching my bro getting a medal and now, i got a medal together with him. Now, waiting for the next game which is the starting of the national rounds. God bless my team.
uh... this may be kind of late but just wanna put this up to show you guys this cool and funny video. last week, my church had a video competition and Daniel Ho, a guy in my church famous for his crappy jokes and voice won it. the theme was out youth ministry's tag line: His purpose, our generation.
During the past week, Joshua, a church friend of mine suddenly got suspected of dengue fever. i was shocked when my cell leader told me that, but i wanna thank God for healing him completely. He was discharged yesterday this afternoon. our whole cell prayed for him and thank God again that he was healed. when he was first suspected of it, he was sent to the icu. SCARY. yeah, so thank God for the miracle.
sry, i Haven't been posting anything on this blog for about 1 AND A HALF MONTHS! man, i just realised. but have been posting at the other blog about the trainings and games. but for now, i just want to thank God for helping our team to get championships and thank God for helping us get a few, once unexpected score of at least 90 points to below 20 points (opponent) so far. This year our team have a very high Goal of getting the championship title which unity had 5 years ago. Training real hard, and doing my best to cope with studies, but God will help me.
Name:David- beloved
Day I first saw light: 24th March 1994
School: unity sec
church: Trinity@payalebar/ignyte
adapted from ignyte website
Mission: save the "Lost"
My identity lies with God